About the enterprise: the main activity of the Ministry of Local Self-Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives of Bangladesh, Dhaka is to equip the subordinate organizations of the Ministry with modern road construction equipment.
Task: updating and expanding the existing funds of equipment. Bangladesh is facing infrastructure and transport problems typical of South Asian countries. The question arose of building new roads and repairing existing ones. It was almost impossible to cope with this task without modern road and construction equipment. The country's leadership made an important decision and chose reliable partners for the supply of high-quality Belarusian equipment.
Project solution: In pursuance of the Framework Agreement on the provision of export commodity loans between JSC "Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus" and the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, in 2017, a major project was successfully completed for the supply of Belarusian-made road construction equipment to the People's Republic of Bangladesh in the amount of more than 1,000 units in the amount of about 50 million US dollars. On the basis of the trade and service center, the Belarusian side conducted training in the operation of equipment for Bangladeshi users. Bangladeshi specialists were given appropriate certificates after completing the training. The equipment was transferred to more than 300 farms located throughout the territory of the People's Republic of Bangladesh.
Result: delivery of 1395 pieces of equipment. For local residents, Belarusian machinery means new jobs, improved well-being of families. For business - the opportunity to implement new projects. For society, this is a step towards solving transport problems. For the state - an investment in the future of the country.
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