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Corporate management

Karotkikh Pavel

Director General

Director General carries out general management of the Company's activities, heads the Directorate of OJSC Promagroleasing and manages work in the following areas of activity: risk management in the Company; internal and compliance control in the Company; internal audit in the Company; security and protection of information in the Company; personnel work, implementation of social and personnel policies, personnel training, corporate work, anti-corruption work, additional insurance of the Company's employees.

Stakhouskaya Hanna

First Deputy Director General

First Deputy Director General is a member of the Directorate of OJSC Promagroleasing and manages work in the following areas of activity: foreign economic activity of the Company; leasing activity of the company; work with supplier plants within the framework of the Company's leasing and foreign economic activities; insurance agreements of export/financial risks by the Company, providing consulting and information services to the Company's clients in the supervised areas of activity; ideological work.

Sevizdral Dzmitry

Deputy Director General

Deputy Director General is a member of the Directorate of OJSC Promagroleasing and manages work in the following areas of activity: work with debts of counterparties and control over its repayment; inspection of leasing (rent) items and property transferred to the Company as collateral; work on the seizure of leasing (rent) items; works on the sale of property seized from lessees; registration of shipping documents under contracts for the sale of seized (returned) property, transfer of ownership of leasing items in accordance with the legislation; customer support under leasing agreements, rent, foreign trade sales agreements with deferred (installment) payment and related (interrelated) agreements; support the execution of leasing agreements on government programs including any situations related to insurance of leasing items; work on assuring the completeness and timeliness of the fulfillment of obligations by customers under leasing agreements, foreign trade sales agreements with a deferral (installment) of payment and related (interrelated) agreements; works on providing amounts of subsidies to lessees for repayment of part of lease payments under lease agreements, control over receipt of amounts of subsidies to special accounts of the Company; work on labor protection, occupational safety, fire safety; and also financial and economic activities of the Company; development of draft long-term and current financial plans (business development plans) of the Company for a year, estimates of income and expenses of the Company; development of the Company`s draft strategy; work on conducting transactions with securities and placing temporarily free funds; work on attracting loans; work to ensure of assessment of the financial condition and solvency of the Company's counterparties.

Chusheva Olga

Chief accountant 

Chief accountant manages work in the following areas of activity: supply and support the correct and rational organization of accounting in the Company; development and implementation of the accounting policy of the Company aimed at preventing shortages, embezzlement, illegal spending of the Company's funds; preparation and approval of the chart of accounts of the Company's accounting, forms of primary accounting documents; formation and timely submission of accounting (financial) statements; organizing an inventory of balance sheet items and accounting of its results; organization of payments in Belarusian rubles and foreign currency; carrying out work to ensure strict observance of cash discipline; organizing of work for the timely and complete calculation and payment of taxes; ensuring timely submission to the tax authority at the place of registration of tax declarations (calculations), as well as the other documents and information necessary for the calculation, payment and collection of taxes, dues (duties); ensuring timely submission of statistical reports to the state statistical authorities.

Прашкович Светлана Леонидовна

Prashkovich Sviatlana

Executive Director

Executive Director is a member of the Directorate of OJSC Promagroleasing and manages work in the following areas of activity: legal support for the Company's activities; conducting contractual, legal and regulatory work in the Company; preparation and submission of documents to notary offices and judicial authorities; representation of the interests of the Company in judicial and other offices; conclusion of settlement agreements, agreements on the use of mediation, mediation agreements; interaction with enforcement authorities; drafting and filing creditor claims; execution of powers of attorney; functioning and development of information systems and specialized software, ensuring the operation of IT equipment, telecommunications and communications; maintenance of the corporate website; automation of the Company's business processes, participation in supporting the activities of subsidiaries and affiliates.

Smazheuskaya Krystsina

Executive Director

Executive Director manages work in the following areas of activity: insurance of leasing items by the Company or Company`s clients under concluded financial lease (leasing) agreements within the commerсial leasing transactions with legal entities and individuals (with the exception of insurance agreements regarding to the Company's employees, insurance agreements of export/financial risks, advertising activities of the Company; development of leasing products and support the partner programs; marketing policy; administrative support and insurance of official vehicles; registration of shipping documents in the supervised areas of activity; functioning and development of electronic document management; documentation support and archival storage of documents, formation of the Company's external information policy in the network.

Chepikau Aliaksei

Executive Director 

Executive Director manages work in the following areas of activity: assessment of project business development plans and development strategies of subsidiaries and affiliates, control of their implementation; control over the activities of subsidiaries and affiliates, timely and proper implementation of decisions of the sole member, the supervisory board of subsidiaries; assessment of draft documents relating to the activities of subsidiaries and affiliates submitted for consideration by the collegial authority of the Company; work with supplying plants regarding acceptance and transfer of goods to the clients of the Company; customs clearance (customs declarations); preparation of shipping documents for the goods, implementing by foreign trade agreements, commercial leasing agreements, state programs’ agreements; works on civil defense and prevention of emergencies.